火の神様である「火之迦具土神 (ヒノカグツチノカミ)」を産んだ際に負った大火傷が原因で、女神 伊邪那美神(イザナミノカミ)は死んでしまう。「出産」は生命を生む行為であるのと同時に、神様でも命を落とすほどに、壮絶なのだ。伊邪那美神の死の床では、吐瀉物から鉱山の神と女神、大便からは土の神と女神、尿からは水の神と生成の神が成った(生まれた)。滅びゆく女神の体から新しい命が生まれる。人の肉体も土に還るならば、そこから草になり、花になり、木になる。一つの死の上に成り立つ数々の命。なぜ生物は死に、生まれてくるように創られたのか。なぜ出産は激しい痛みを伴うのか。人の力では変えられない「生」と「死」のメカニズム。私達は無限の想像力を持ってのみ神々の意を垣間見ることができるのだ。
制作年 / 2019
技 法 / 型染・糊防染
素 材 / 正絹
色 材 / 顔料・墨汁
サイズ / 着物(400×145)
"Kami Umi" (birth of a god)
The trees are alive, swell like rough waves, and scream like they are burning. It is like watching the moment when god is born. This is a work that expresses the mystery of life spun by "life" and "death" based on the ritual "Kamiumi" which gives birth to the gods, described in Japanese mythology, Kojiki.
In a strong typhoon, the branches swaying like a big tree, breathing, swelling in the wind, and making a buzzing sound. It made me feel the strength as if life was being created right in front of me. From that mysterious scene, I associated the episode of "Kamimi" by Izanami and Izanagi. While drawing the scene in a kimono, I expressed the strength of the mother.
The goddess Izanami dies due to the great burns she suffered when she gave birth to the god of fire, "Hinokagutsuchinokami." "Birth" is to produce life, and at the same time, it is so fierce that even a god would die. On the deathbed of Izanami, god and goddess of mines were made from her vomit, god and goddess of soil were made from her stool, and gods of water and generation were made from her urine. New lives were born from the body of the perishing goddess. Likewise, when the human body returns to the soil, it will become grass, flowers, and trees. Lives come from one death. Why were living things created to die and be born? Why is the birth of life comes with so much pain? The mechanism of "life" and "death" cannot be changed by human ability, and we can only get a glimpse of the will of the gods with our infinite imagination.
Year: 2019
Size: 400x145cm (Kimono)
Technique: Katazome and Noribousen Stencil Dyeing
Material: Genuine Silk
Colouring Material: Pigments and Ink
Translated by Kunimasa Nerome