

天照大御神 - アマテラスオオミカミ



 これは、日本神話の太陽神 天照大御神を題材に、光の恵みと、強い光によて生じる影の存在を表現した作品である。



制作年 / 2019

技 法 / 型染・糊防染

素 材 / 正絹

色 材 / 顔料・墨汁・酸性染料

サイズ / 着物(195×145)

※第41回 日本新工芸展 入選 上野の森美術館奨励賞 受賞

Amaterasu Omikami《Goddess Amaterasu》

The goddess of the sun smiles, and the fiery light falls on the forest. The trees receive the blessings of light and shine lively. And the shadow quietly welcomes the night.

This work expresses the blessing of light and the existence of shadows created by intense light, based on the sun god Amaterasu Omikami in Japanese mythology.

In Japan, there is the word "God dwells." It is said that God dwells in well-used objects, flowers, dead leaves, food, animals, and trees. The big tree seemed to have dwelled by the God of light at that very moment, being illuminated in the bright contrast of the sunlight Light brings us various graces and casts shadows under their influence. And the shadow has a mysterious charm. It feels like it has a will, even though it is an existence that cannot be realized without light. And the shadows speak to us from time to time.

***Amaterasu Omikami is the goddess of light who was created when god Izanagi no Kami cleansed himself and washed his left eye as they returned from the land of Yomi. She is said to be the general God of Japan.

Year: 2019

Size: 195x145cm (Kimono)

Technique: Stencil dyeing (Katazome and Noribousen)

Material: Genuine Silk

Colouring Material: Pigments, Ink, and Acid dye

● Received the Ueno Royal Museum Encouragement Award at the 41st Japan New Crafts Exhibition.

Translated by Kunimasa Nerome
